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Digital temperature interface for hot runner controllers

The TCBOX has 12 thermocouple measuring inputs and can be placed directly on the connection box of the injection mould. This eliminates the need for thermocouple cables from the hot runner to the control unit. The high-resolution temperature values of the control zones are sent to the hot-runner controller via a thin data cable. This allows maximum savings in terms of costs, space and handling. For example, the number of connecting cables between the hot runner mould and the hot runner controller can be reduced by up to 50%.

Informacje o produktach

Technical specifications


Power supply24 VDC ±10%
Power consumptionmax. 3 W

Sensor inputs

Thermocouple TCFe CuNi type L (-50...900°C)
Fe CuNi type J (-55...1300°C) [default setting]
NiCr Ni type K (-35...1372°C)
NiCrSi-NiSi type N (-50...1300°C)
Cu CuNi type T (-50...400°C)
Pt10Rh-Pt type S (-50...1768°C)
Measuring precision< 1K
Connecting cable<30 m

Data interfaces

Transmission speed250 kBit (configurable)
Addressing mode6-pin DIP switch (1-31)
Bus terminationCan be activated via DIP switch 6
ConnectionSee connection

Digital inputs

Electrical data0...30 VDC, <10 mA at 24 VDC (optocoupler)
FunctionCycle counter


Mounting/installationMounting on hot runner mould connection box / recess according to 24-pin
HAN E (see installation and connection)
Ingress protectionIP 54 (if the connection box on the hot runner mould has an ingress protection of at least
Depth44.5 mm
Height58 mm (without push-in connection and grounding bolt)
Width110 mm / 140 mm (with stop plate)

Electr. safety / EMC

Electrical safetyEN61010-1
EMCEN 61326-1:2013, industrial requirements
Overvoltage categoryII
Ingress protectionI

Environmental conditions

Ambient temperature limitOperation: 0...60 °C; transport, storage: -20...70 °C;
Humidity limitRelative humidity < 75% annual average, no condensation
Sound pressure level< 50 dB
Pollution degree2
Installation altitude above sea levelMax. 2000 m


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  • Offers savings potential in terms of costs, space, weight and handling
  • Ensures a tidy injection moulding area and clarity in the system configuration.
  • Reduces the number of connecting cables from the hot runner to the controller by up to 50%.
  • Reduced susceptibility to interference when transmitting temperature values
  • Less prone to mechanical interference of the thermocouple cables (e.g. sensor break, sensor short-circuit).
  • Additional functions (integrated cycle counter, saving of maximum temperature value and mould recognition).


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