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MC01, MC02, MC03 Miniclean filter insert

MC01, MC02, MC03 Miniclean filter insert

Product description

The Miniclean filter insert is small and compact and can be integrated universally, for example in sprue bushes or nozzle tips. An intelligent filter system prevents foreign matter from entering the hot runner system and nozzles.
This prevents production downtime due to clogged plastic in the flow channels.
The filter technology guarantees reliable operation of the hot runner systems, particularly for smaller gate dimensions and the processing of regranulate.

Informacije o proizvodima


  • Metallic and non-metallic foreign objects are filtered out reliably during production.

  • Additional shear and mixing effects homogenise the melt.

  • Minimal pressure drop in high volume flow rate due to rheologically beneficial flow diameters.

  • Permits easy cleaning of both systems, whether the injection nozzle version or integrated in the sprue bush of the hot runner system.

  • The filter technology is available in combination with an injection nozzle, for example Fuchslocher valve gate nozzle, suitable for your injection moulding machine.


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