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Clamping configurator

With Meusburger’s clamping configurator you can quickly and easily order plates already equipped with holes for various zero clamping systems. It is also possible to configure workpieces with parallel clamping surfaces for machine vices. This means you can start machining right away.

On the overview page for P standard and special plates the configurator can be started by simply clicking on the clamping configurator button. Here you then define the plate size, material and version.

It is also possible to configure P standard plates for zero clamping systems. Add the desired P plate to the parts list. By clicking on the edit button on the right-hand side, the clamping configurator menu will appear. The window pictured to the right will open with the data for the plate you selected prefilled.

See in our step by step video just how easy it is to configure for clamping.

Configurador de placas


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Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

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