Since 2014 Meusburger has been present with a subsidiary company in India. Thus, we have been able to support our customers directly and locally for a decade now.
Easter is just around the corner and in Austria the children are excited about searching for colourful Easter eggs hidden inside and outside. As not only the traditions but also the public holidays can be different depending on the country and region, we would like to keep you informed of our opening days over this period.
A Meusburger 60 éves fennállását ünnepeljük. Az elmúlt évtizedek során vállalatunk nagymértékű növekedése gyorsan ráébresztett bennünket arra, hogy minden egyes ember különleges képességekkel és tehetségekkel rendelkezik, amelyek nagyon értékesek.
A WBA Werkzeugbau Akademie-val közösen kidolgoztunk és elvégeztünk egy felmérést. Ennek célja az volt, hogy nemzetközi piaci helyzetjelentést adjunk az iparágunk aktuális trendjeiről, fejleményeiről és kihívásairól. A felmérés eredményei már elérhetők.
Hamarosan kezdődnek az ünnepek. Ez munkatársaink számára is azt jelenti, hogy szeretteikkel töltik az időt. Ezért tájékoztatjuk a két ünnep közötti - december végétől január elejéig tartó- nyitvartatásunkról.
After an intensive preparation period, the time has finally come – the new Meusburger portal is up and running in parallel with the previous version. With it, you get an insight into the next level of the Meusburger online world. The portal is easy to use for any target group with just a few clicks and will guide you to your goal as quickly and intuitively as possible.
True to our motto ‘everything from one source’, we not only have standard parts for temperature and end position control, but also offer sensors for cavity pressure measurement in our range. Stay in control and improve your part quality.
Az innovatív GMT 6000 hosszbeállító gép a kidobók, bélyegek és sok egyéb alkatrész hatékony készre munkálását teszi lehetővé. Mindössze egy munkafolyamatban az alkatrész ráhagyással levágásra kerül majd nagy pontossággal a kívánt méretre köszörülve lesz. A gép stabil kialakítása egy beállítással ismétléspontos befogást, precíz hossz- és szögtűréseket, valamint állandó minőségben biztosít.
Spóroljon meg időt és fáradtságot azzal, hogy rendelése különböző tételeit hozzárendelje a megfelelő projekt-, rajz- vagy darabjegyzék-pozícióhoz, és kapja meg az Ön számára fontos összes tételt tartalmazó, kibővített termékcímkét.
Do you need a practical reference guide to optimally identify and fix defects in your moulded part? Our cooperation with the SKZ Plastic Centre in Würzburg makes it possible!
Saving the parts list as a table, sending it via email, and then copying it - that can take a lot of time. This is why we have now enhanced our digital catalogues so that you can import your parts lists in just a few clicks, or even send them directly to your colleagues. Learn more about the new features.
Take advantage of our promotion and exchange your old hot runner controller for a new one. When you buy a new profiTEMP+, we will give you a ‘trade-in discount’ which is based on the number of zones the new product has.
Our subsidiary company in India moved into a new building at the beginning of October. This gives us the opportunity to further strengthen our presence and expand our services in India.
A szerszámgyártásban piacvezetőek vagyunk, ami nem véletlen. Minden lapot Ausztriában gyártunk, és raktárunk az ellátás biztonságát ígéri még a nehéz időkben is.
Fast delivery in case of emergencies – one of the many advantages that make us your ideal partner. So far this has mainly applied to Europe and China. But now, we have good news for our business partners with headquarters or branches in Mexico and India: warehouses in their own country.
From September to the end of 2021, we will offer a variety of free webinars. Find out what topics we will be covering in the coming weeks in this post.
Meusburger China was founded in 2010 with two employees.10 + 1 years later, the company's primary goal is optimisation. But what's the deal with the 10 + 1 year?
We have succeeded in creating standardised colour codes for 3D CAD design in mould and die making in cooperation with the Association of German Tool and Mould Makers.
We have been developing innovative solutions for die making for over 10 years. But how did we get involved in this area? Let’s take a look into the past.
In the fourth part of our series ‘Everything you need to know about gas springs’ we have summarised all information about installation and maintenance of gas springs for you. You will also find valuable tips on correct storage.
In the third part of our series ‘Everything you need to know about gas springs’ we focus on the gas springs wizard. Thanks to our wizard you can quickly and easily find the right gas spring for your project.
In the second part of our series ‘Everything you need to know about gas springs’ you will learn all about the different types. These differ in their construction and, as a result, also in their size and initial force. In addition, the safety features of the gas springs are designed differently depending on the type.
The existing range of two-pillar die sets has been expanded by eight new sizes from 396 796 to 496 996 mm, which are especially suitable for the modular concept.
In the first part of our series ‘Everything you need to know about gas springs’, we provide general information, such as which one is suitable for which application or a comparison with conventional system compression springs.
With our mould making update, we also added innovations for the configurator of FH hot runner moulds. We considerably expanded our range of nozzles as well as the selection of plastic materials.
The bee is one of the most important organisms in our ecosystem. Its extinction would have tremendous consequences for the Earth. We as a community can come together to prevent this from happening and we have already taken steps towards this cause.
In addition to the correct selection of O-ring seals, the correct introduction of the O-ring groove is essential for the optimum sealing result. In the third part of our series ‘O-ring seals – in perfect shape’ we show you how you can save time during production with our countersink for O-ring seals, and increase the quality of the O-ring groove at the same time.
In the area of clamping elements, in addition to the standard horizontal toggle clamps, the range is supplemented with a reinforced version. The HWS 201 clamping elements have a more robust design and components can be clamped with higher retaining forces. This makes them particularly suitable for fast clamping in series production.
Reducing processing time and optimising costs is especially important for injection moulds with moderate shot weights. In addition, flawless surface quality is often required for injection moulded parts. 1.2738 TSHH steel has long been established on the market for this purpose. This steel is especially useful in the automotive industry, but also for consumer goods.
In the recent product update, we were able to expand our range of plates and bars to more than 1,300 dimensions. In addition to numerous expansions, over 300 thicknesses were introduced for the first time for the material grades 1.1730, 1.2085 and 1.2312.
Especially now, it is particularly important to have a reliable partner at your side that you can count on. A full raw material warehouse, the largest central standard parts warehouse and also a high degree of in-house production ensures that we can continue to supply you with all the products you need.
Especially for the assembly and maintenance of our two-stage ejectors, you will find the suitable hook and face wrenches are now available in our range.
Discover our range of different springs which we have put together especially for you. Here you will find springs and accessories for use with very light to very heavy loads - you are sure to find the right one for your project.
In addition to a completely new look for the shop start pages for mould making, die making and machine and jig construction, the update at the turn of the year also brought technical innovations. In particular, new functions have been added to the wizard for stamping and forming die sets and the configurator for hot runner moulds. See the changes for yourself!
Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.
Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.
Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.
Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.
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New version
Unlimited access to your order data
Delivery tracking for all partial deliveries
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Simple handling of complaints and returns
Current version
Order data is visible for 90 days only
Delivery tracking for individual partial deliveries