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Wolfurti központ
+43 5574 6706-0

Az Ön kapcsolattartója

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A piacon első osztályú egyedi megmunkálásokról vagyunk ismertek.


We offer customised solutions

For over 60 years, Meusburger has been among the leaders in special machining. To support you with your project, highly trained professionals work on custom solutions in our Lingenau plant, built especially for this purpose. Whether complete machining according to drawing or partial machining based on your requirements – you can rely on Meusburger’s know-how and handshake quality when it comes to special machining.

Benefit from our technical service

Our top priority is providing you with an optimal offer as fast as possible. Thanks to our highly-trained technical personnel, this usually happens within 24 hours. We are happy to point out any potential savings to you when preparing the offer. You can rely on complete project support from the offer to after-sales service in German, English, Italian, and French. In addition, our integrated CAD/CAM system enables even faster processing and saves you having to submit technical drawings. We are able to process all common CAD data.

Enquire now


Whether an individual plate or a complete mould base - we machine the necessary plates entirely according to your specifications.

Deep hole drilling

We manufacture deep holes, lateral threads and markings in short order.


The machined plates are finished on our precision grinding machines.

Flame cutting

With ultramodern CNC machines, we can provide fast and cost effective flame cutting services with special dimensions and according to your specific requirements.

Stress-relieving heat treatment

All steel grades are heat-treated for stress relief to create the best conditions for reduced warping and enhanced smoothness during machining.

Top quality

The highly sensitive sensor of the ZEISS measuring instrument checks the finished products to an accuracy of 0.003 mm.

Manufacturing standards

The Meusburger standard complies with the tolerances specified in the relevant Meusburger product information and machining standards.

Insulation boards

Create the best conditions for ideal thermal insulation of your moulds.

Colour code standards

Through the colours defined, tolerances can not only be clearly identified but also recognised in all common CAM systems.

CAD standards

The configured CAD data can be immediately exported and loaded into the respective projects, which saves a lot of time.


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Új belépési jelszót küldünk Önnek.

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Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.

Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

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