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Hot Runner Systems

Innovative solutions related to injection moulding.

We have been at home in the world of plastics and contributing our multidisciplinary applied and practical knowledge for more than 50 years: whether mechanical stress in transport containers, large numbers of closures, light weight construction in the automotive sector or clean room applications with small wall thicknesses in the medicine industry. In the field of hot runners our solutions speak for themselves daily and worldwide by reducing cycle times, rapid colour changes, dimensional stability, gating of difficult to reach parts, shortest closing times or small cavity distances.

Services and know-how for hot runners and beyond

It’s not about the nozzle or the hot runner, it’s about your project success. Injection moulding is a highly complex field. That’s why we are used to thinking outside of the box to make sure that your application fully meets the specifications. To round it all off, we offer you a complete program of hot runner controllers. PSG offers you holistic solutions from one source, which guarantees that all components coordinate. This simplifies your project setup, shortens start-up time, and provides advantages during maintenance.

The focal points are the automotive, medical, packaging and transport industries – and of course the transfer of know-how. PSG solution technologies such as long fibre reinforcement, which is already common in the automotive industry, can often be applied to other industries.

We improve and grow thanks to the challenges you present.

New plastics for hybrid solutions, long fibre applications to improve the stability, moulded-in colour solutions for reduction of costs, faster colour change, MIM, WID, GIT ... these are challenges for which our development team are happy to come up with individual solutions. It’s best to contact us in the early stages. We are looking forward to your innovative challenges!

Exact solutions from 0.1 to 10,000 g shot weight

From the smallest nozzle ‘Nano’ to the biggest nozzle the ‘Easy-Shot’, we offer hot runner systems with a complete nozzle program and suitable manifolds.


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