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+43 5574 6706-0

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Persoana dvs. de contact



We are happy to help you


Sabrina Lang
Roman Giesinger

Head of Division HR

'Do you want to join the Meusburger team? We are always happy to receive an interesting application and endeavour to support you as much as possible during the application procedure. My colleagues from the recruiting team are happy to answer any questions you might have.’

Sven Grünenburg

Head of Personnel Accounting
Responsibilities: Staff recruitment for the following departments

  • Human Resources
Dominik Fitz

HR Business Partner

Responsibilities: Staff recruitment for the following departments

  • Special Machining
  • Technology
  • Training
  • Product
  • Purchasing
  • IT
  • WBI
Eva-Christina Vallaster

HR Business Partner
Responsibilities: Staff recruitment for the following departments

  • External sales
Tina Huber

Junior HR Business Partner
Responsibilities: Staff recruitment for the following departments

  • Internal sales
  • Marketing
  • Financial
  • Holiday, internship and trainee positions
Simone Feurstein

HR Business Partner

Responsibilities: Staff recruitment for the following departments

  • Apprentice training
Andrea Lässer

HR Business Partner

Responsibilities: Staff recruitment for the following departments

  • Logistics
  • Quality Management
  • Production

Viernheim location

Sandra Schaal

Team Leader Human Resources Department Viernheim

Janine Derringer

HR Business Partner


  • Staff Recruitment Viernheim/Seckach

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Get familiar with our new ‘My account’ section and benefit from numerous advantages.

Now the new ‘My account’ also gives you a direct insight into the next level of the Meusburger portal. Check out all the information and benefits of the portal here.

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