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EH 6500, EH 6510, EH 6520 Valve gates operating units

 EH 6500, EH 6510, EH 6520 Valve gates operating units

Product description

Dirty fingers are a thing of the past!

Compared to similar hot runner systems, the operating unit offers the following advantages: Pin position adjustment is possible without interference in the piston chamber (oil) and is therefore absolutely clean. The setting of the valve pin is made directly from behind and is therefore easy to access and maintain. The valve pin can be easily disconnected and can stay in the hot runner system when removing the operating unit. This reduces adjustment and installation times.

Three versions available
  • 1. EH 6500: Flanged on the manifold including cooling. Both hydraulic and pneumatic versions.
  • 2. EH 6510: Flanged on the manifold without separate cooling, pneumatic version only, compressed air connection via clamping plate.
  • 3. EH 6520: As installation in the clamping plate, also hydraulic and pneumatic versions.
Without post-production cooling time

Set-up times are reduced for the flanged operating unit because thermal decoupling is very successful.

Informations produits


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