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:  Prijavite se da biste videli svoje cene i nastavili da naručujete.

We carry out precise deep hole drilling with high hole and position accuracy.

Deep hole drilling

We carry out fast and precise deep hole drilling at attractive prices. The holes are drilled using single-fluted drills with internal cooling, ensuring top drilling and positional accuracy. For your convenience, we can also cut the required connector threads into these holes, as well as threads for plugs and eye bolts.

In addition, we can engrave letters and numbers.

Meusburger as full-range supplier

Benefit from our high-quality machining combined with numerous networked services as well as from many supporting tools in order to efficiently realise your projects.

Your benefits in deep hole drilling at a glance:

  • Lateral machining, either complete or partial
  • Partial machining only, including connections and threads, in 10 working days on average
  • Top quality and consulting
  • Fast quotation

Maximum depth per diameter

d1t1 max.
< 81000
< 141400
≥ 141600
MachiningMaximum machining size [mm]Weight (kg):
TieflochbohrenDeep hole drilling200030004504000

Enquire now


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