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EDM with dowel pin system

There are many systems on the market for clamping electrode blanks on electrode holders.

Workshop equipment

It is often challenging to find a selection of suitable clamping systems, which are easy to operate and cost-effective. These requirements can be optimally met with the dowel pin system which covers a wide range of applications.

Compared to the square bar system the loss of material for the dowel pin system is significantly lower and the manufacturing process is easier. In the figure the difference is very clearly shown. A further advantage is the already installed anti-rotation protection. This is realised by two different diameters in the fitting hole. For larger dimensions, two additional external threads are provided in the blank for fastening.

Comparison between the dowel pin system and the square bar system

Electrodes with system and multi-hole pattern

The manufacturing of electrode blanks also ties up valuable resources in production. In addition to the personnel, milling machines are also occupied for longer periods of time. For this reason, we offer a large selection of electrode blanks in EDM copper or three different graphite qualities with already introduced system and multi-hole patterns. This can save valuable time when machining the electrode.

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Electrode holders

The suitable electrode holders are available in aluminium, brass and steel for the different clamping systems. When using the electrode holders with the square bar system it is advisable to use an adapter.

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Our product recommendations

Quick guide
Mounting electrode for clamping spigot with large rinse hole


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