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Professional diagnosis with the profiTEMP TM

28.04.2022, Mould making

The new profiTEMP TM hot runner diagnosis device by Meusburger is especially designed for electrical testing of heaters and sensors as well as preheating and heating up the hot runner.

The main function of the profiTEMP TM is the MoldCheck, a complete and professional diagnosis of the condition of the heaters and sensors as well as the wiring of a hot runner. No specialist electrical knowledge is required for use. The diagnostic result can be saved as a PDF file on a USB flash drive. The range of functions and operation are especially tailored to the requirements of mould makers as well as maintenance and service departments. The heating fuses are easily accessible from the outside which is a great advantage if there is a fuse failure. In addition, the profiTEMP TM offers the option of heating up and preheating the hot runner. As usual, Meusburger offers the device from stock.

Advantages at a glance

  • Compact and lightweight
  • Logical and intuitive navigation requires almost no training
  • Cost reduction due to short testing times and the self-sufficient MoldCheck
  • Reduction of set-up times through the MoldCheck and preheating of the hot runner
  • Targeted support for troubleshooting and detailed correction tips


  • Checks 12 zones as well as heating and preheating
  • 15 amp heating outputs
  • Operation via a 7” touchscreen, user interface in 15 languages
  • USB port for data export and update of firmware
  • Dimensions: 200 x 260 x 400 mm

The profiTEMP TM video is available here.

Professional diagnosis with the profiTEMP TM

The new profiTEMP TM by Meusburger is especially designed for MoldCheck.

To the press overview

Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Julia Jakob
Communication/public relations

+43 5574 6706-1496

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