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Meusburger expands its range in the area of gas springs

19.09.2017, Die making

Meusburger now offers additional gas springs with high initial forces and compact designs. With the corresponding selection guide you can find the appropriate gas spring for your application with just a few clicks. The CAD data is also available for download online.

The standard parts manufacturer Meusburger offers the 'E 6350 Gas spring – Force' with three different initial forces per stroke. The E 6350 is characterised by high initial forces and compact design. The gas springs are provided with coloured rings so that the initial force is easily identified. In addition, the active safety systems protect against overstroke (Over Stroke Active Safety), uncontrolled return (Uncontrolled Speed Active Safety), and overpressure (Over Pressure Active Safety). The 'Gas spring – Force' is available with a large selection of initial forces in small steps for every application. Furthermore the gas springs are designed and manufactured according to the PED directive (Pressure Equipment Directive) 97/23/EC with modern computer-assisted methods. Find the appropriate gas spring quickly and easily with the selection guide available in the Meusburger web shop and in the offline shop.


To the press overview

Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Susanne Zukowski
Communication/public relations

+43 5574 6706-1736

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