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Block-shaped strip guide, spring-loaded

We are constantly working on further developments with our customers in mind. That is exactly how we developed the following exclusive product in our die making range.

Benefit from our innovation

In contrast to the round strip guides that are commonly available on the market, this block-shaped version is ideally suited for longer side cut-outs. This prevents the strip feed from catching. The idea behind this new development is that the strip guide can be installed or removed directly from the working plane and the die does not have to be completely removed. Our different strip guides are optimally matched to each other and can therefore be combined as required within the stamping dies.

Compact design for more space

This strip guide is only available at Meusburger and is completely symmetrical with infeed chamfers on both sides. This enables use on both sides and makes it easier to insert the punching strip. The space requirement within the stamping die is very small thanks to the internal shoulder screw. The length of the shoulder screw determines the spring displacement of the strip guide. The protruding chin allows the stripper plate to be driven directly onto the sheet metal instead of the top of the strip guide. This in turn enables a higher tolerance for the depth of the recess in the stripper plate. The new item is available for sheet thicknesses up to 3 mm.

Take a look at the product details

Further advantages

  • No need to keep your own stock, we offer the parts immediately available from ours.
  • The tight tolerances enable precise positioning of the metal strips.
  • The hardened design contributes to a longer service life.
  • No design and drawings necessary, as the parts are standardised.

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