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Cooled ante-chamber bush EC

Cooled ante-chamber bush EC

Product description

Gate temperature control made easy

The ante-chamber bush allows easy fitting of the nozzle geometry into the cavity plate and ensures an optimal cooling effect in the gate point.

We make it possible for you to customise the cooled ante-chamber bush EC according to your requirements and we will deliver it to you in no time. All you have to do is provide the appropriate installation space for the ante-chamber bush in the mould. With the cooled ante-chamber bush, we provide not only continuous temperature regulation near the gate but also exact introduction of the installation dimensions for the smartFILL hot runner nozzle series. You have maximum flexibility for the gate diameter, the length of the ante-chamber bushes, as well as the connection to the temperature control channels in the mould. Uniform gate temperatures and easy cleaning ensure durable and excellent gate and component quality for your injection moulded part.

  • Continuous cooling near the gate
  • Optimal control of the gate temperature
  • Wear protection and corrosion resistant design
  • Can be quickly integrated into the mould concept
  • Customised design of gate diameters
  • Customers may provide mould contours in the ‘L’ version
  • Customised variable lengths matching the mould design
  • Easy installation / removal and cleaning
  • Short lead times

Informacje o produktach


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