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Meusburger łączy siły

Udostępnione dnia: 20.12.2019

Naszym celem jest wspieranie klientów w codziennej pracy i osiąganiu przez nich wydajnych efektów produkcyjnych. Od momentu przejęcia PSG w 2016 roku, ściśle współpracujemy w zakresie gorących kanałów i technologii sterowania temperaturą. Aby zapewnić dalsze korzyści dla naszych klientów, mamy zamiar od 01.01.2020 w pełni zintegrować PSG z naszą firmą jako nowe przedstawicielstwo Meusburger Deutschland GmbH. Tym sposobem bogata wiedza i doświadczenie mogą być bardziej rozwijane pod jedną marką firmy Meusburger.

1. Why is the PSG brand being integrated into the Meusburger brand?

Our goal is to support you in your daily work and help you improve your efficiency in everyday processes. Since the takeover of PSG in 2016, we have been working very closely with the hot runner and control systems specialist. To offer you further advantages, as of 01.01.2020 we will fully integrate PSG into our company as a new subsidiary company under the name Meusburger Deutschland GmbH. This way we can combine and develop our extensive know-how even better for you under one brand: the Meusburger corporate brand.

2. When will this change take place?

The change will be effective from 01.01.2020.

3. How do you benefit from it?

The biggest advantage is that in the future, you have only one brand - the Meusburger brand - as a contact and thus receive all information and products faster and easier from one source. The Meusburger range will expand to include the hot runner and control systems, which will continue to bear the PSG product brand logo. In addition, the brand name Meusburger stands for long-term, sustainable and high-investment product development.

4. Does the change of name also change the legal form?

The new legal form is a subsidiary company under the name Meusburger Deutschland GmbH (the former name was PSG Plastic Service GmbH with the locations Viernheim or Seckach). Under Meusburger Deutschland, all business and services in the fields of hot runner and control systems are continued, and all business conditions as well as terms and conditions of sales and delivery remain unchanged. The tax and commercial register number will not change either.

5. Does the change of name affect existing agreements or contracts?

All already concluded contracts remain valid.

6. What happens to the PSG locations Viernheim and Seckach?

Operations at both PSG locations in Germany - Viernheim and Seckach - will be continued under the name Meusburger Deutschland. In Viernheim, the development and design of hot runner products will be pushed in the coming years. In addition, Viernheim is and will remain the competence centre in terms of service and maintenance. In Seckach, the employees will continue to focus on development and production in the area of control systems.

7. Will there be changes to the product range? Will I still be able to buy all the products I ordered in the past?

The Meusburger range will expand to include the entire hot runner and control systems range, and otherwise remain unchanged. You will continue to receive all products from Meusburger and its subsidiary company Meusburger Deutschland GmbH (previously PSG Plastic Service GmbH with locations in Viernheim or Seckach).

8. How will product orders, order processing and complaints management work in the future?

As before, you can order both from the new subsidiary company Meusburger Deutschland (previously PSG Plastic Service GmbH with the locations Viernheim or Seckach) or from Meusburger Georg GmbH & Co. KG (in Vorarlberg, Austria). Your ordering process will not change, and the operative processes and contact people for internal sales and complaints management also remain the same. The only thing that will change is the address of the Viernheim and Seckach locations (so far 'PSG Plastic Service GmbH'):

  • Meusburger Deutschland GmbH, Voltastraße 2, 68519 Viernheim
  • Meusburger Deutschland GmbH, Hauptstraße 30, 74743 Seckach

9. Will my local contact persons and their contact details as well as telephone numbers change?

Your local field sales contact will change because you will be assigned a Meusburger contact from your region who will work closely together with our Meusburger field engineers to support you in special technical matters. You have been informed about the new contacts and their contact details in a personal letter. As of 01.01.2020, all our employees will have a Meusburger email address.

10. Are there also new email addresses for the functional mailboxes?

Yes, these email addresses have been changed as well. From now on, sales@meusburger.com can be used for all sales topics. The general email address will be office-de@meusburger.com instead of info@psg-online.de. In future, you will also find these e-mail addresses in our sales documents and on the receipts.

11. Do the former email addresses still work and if so, for how long?

Yes, the former email addresses still work and emails are forwarded to the new mailboxes of the employees. Outgoing emails are already sent via the new Meusburger email addresses.





W przyszłości znajdą Państwo wszystkie produkty firmy PSG z dziedziny gorących kanałów i technologii sterowania temperaturą również w portfolio Meusburgera. Połączenie marek sprawi, że praca z firmą Meusburger będzie jeszcze łatwiejsza we wszystkich obszarach produktowych. Państwa doradca handlowy na miejscu oraz nasi eksperci techniczni będą współpracować z Państwem , aby prawidłowo ocenić zakres potrzeb i wdrożyć je, przy zachowaniu dotychczasowej najwyższej jakości usług Meusburgera i najkrótszych czasach dostawy.


W procesach obsługi i kontaktach w celu realizacji zleceń nic się dla Państwa nie zmienia. Wszystkie ogólne warunki sprzedaży i dostawy pozostają jak dotychczas. Także usługi w zakresie tematyki gorących kanałów i technologii sterowania temperaturą będą kontynuowane za pośrednictwem firmy Meusburger.


Obie lokalizacje w Viernheim i Seckach, pozostaną bez zmian, pod nazwą Meusburger Deutschland. W Viernheim główny nacisk będziemy kłaść na rozwój i projektowanie produktów z dziedziny gorących kanałów. W Seckach, w nadchodzacych latach w dalszym ciągu kontynuować będziemy produkcję artykułów do sterowania i regulacji temperaturą.

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