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Technical inspection of hot runner components

Standardised hot runner systems

The FH configurator can be used as usual for standardised solutions in the hot runner area. The data entered in the configurator automatically fills in a form that can be sent for inspection in a further step.

If there is an FH 63 manifold plate or a EH 6000 hot runner manifold in the shopping cart, then an additional button ‘Technical inspection of hot runner components’ is displayed above the button ‘Send the enquiry...’ . When this new button in the shopping cart is clicked, the form is filled in and an email is generated containing important information which can be sent to FH support to be inspected.

Test out our FH configurator

Click the button on the right to open the form with the data already filled in. Fill in the other required fields and then click the ‘Send’ button to send the email with the information below.

Information contained in the email

  • Data entered in the form
  • Shopping cart as formatted list (like email order)
  • XML file of the shopping cart
  • Other attachments such as 3D data etc., if available

Sistemas de cámara caliente personalizados

The form for the inspection of hot runner components can also be used for customised projects. In the product category FH hot runner moulds, a click on the button on the left opens the mask to manually enter the required data in the shop. The ‘Technical inspection of hot runner components’ button is located directly above the configurator for hot runner moulds button in the shop.

Ir al formulario

The opened form contains fields that are highlighted yellow. These required fields must be completed to send the form. Notes or references that are relevant to the inspection may be added in the lower part of the mask. Lastly, attachments can also be added for the FH support team. After all required and relevant data has been entered, click the ‘send’ button to generate and send the email. The support team will contact you shortly.

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Ahora, la nueva versión de «Mi cuenta» le permite también hacerse una idea general del siguiente nivel del portal de Meusburger. Puede ver toda la información y las ventajas del portal aquí.

Familiarícese de antemano con la nueva sección «Mi cuenta» y disfrute sus numerosas ventajas.

Ahora, la nueva versión de «Mi cuenta» le permite también hacerse una idea general del siguiente nivel del portal de Meusburger. Puede ver toda la información y las ventajas del portal aquí.

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